31 August 2007

the great minnesota get together

So we went to the Minnesota State Fair on Tuesday. Yeah. I gotta say, it was awesome. I could've spent a whole lot more time there. On the other hand, Jared (the native Minnesotan) said he was good for another fifteen years. We'll have to see about that, I'm already excited for next year.

We saw some baby animals, ate some fries, got a milkshake at the dairy barn, saw Greg Brown, and witnessed more food on a stick than I ever thought possible.

These photos were taken with my film camera, a Canon Eos Rebel ti. I have really been inspired by Amanda, to pick up my film camera again. I just got a couple of rolls developed, so there will be more film on the way. Stay tuned!


  1. Did you enter anything into the fair? Time to start planning for next year :)

  2. i was listening to garrison keillor sunday and thought of you at the fair! such fun!!!
