25 April 2008

Settle down

I'm back. Again. I feel like there's been a lot of coming and going here recently. Well, I am back now, and will not be leaving again for the foreseeable future. So let's settle in, shall we?

As always, I had a most lovely trip to New York. There was movie watching, good restaurants, lots of cooking, good friends, good family, and absolutely spectacular weather.
{Oh yeah, and there was a roll of film. Eeep, I did it! I picked it up today and will be sharing some with you here as soon as I pour over them a bit more.}

Here are some images from my week in the big city...

Like I said, I'm settling back in now. I will be in the space more soon, and will be getting at some serious crafting action in short order. So there will be some show and tells. I promise.


  1. those look like the shelves of a uwajimaya/kinokuniya to me! i'll bet the new york store is just incredible. happy return, and i can't wait to see your film shots!

  2. pretty sure my mom has the same seder plate! funny. never a very big world around the jewish holidays, is it!?
