16 March 2009

a big smile

hello friends. i hope you all had lovely weekends, i know i did. it started out with a last minute dinner with friends on friday night. saturday held a beautiful walk with jared and freddie, some sewing (finally), and more hanging out with friends. sunday, more sewing and then the spring meeting for my community garden. the garden meeting, together with the absolutely beautiful and warm weather got me really excited about spring and summer. i even defrosted another bag of strawberries from last summer, thinking that we should really use up those berries since we'll be getting fresh ones soon! okay, i know i'm getting a bit ahead of myself- we've still got at least three months until strawberries.

and now, it's sixty-five degrees at 7pm and i just took freddie for a very long walk and then came home to a sweet letter and sat on the porch with bare feet, short sleeves, a glass of ginger ale, and my puppy. it was lovely. i just cannot get enough of being outside right now. it feels so liberating to be outdoors without being bundled up under multiple layers of clothing! i just can't stop smiling about this sunny warmth. yeah, i can tell it's going to be a good spring indeed. i've started thinking about my spring manifesto, but i think i'll wait to share it until friday, when it's official.

A few of you asked about the recipe for the ginger ale- I used this one. Depending on how you mix it, the syrup really does make quite a lot of ginger ale. It was very easy, and I can see this being a staple from now on! {as a bonus, it's also delicious mixed with a little whiskey...}

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for the spring manifesto! Yours always inspire me.
