20 March 2009

on the first day of spring it snowed

and then it rained. But I'm so happy that it's spring! As promised, here's a little manifesto for the new season...

::Have more picnics. Whether it's in my backyard, at a park, or wherever. Just eat outside on a blanket.

::Plant flowers in my front yard, even though we live in a rental, and flowers aren't edible.

::Give more presents for no reason at all. Because everyone loves getting presents.

::Plant my awesomest garden yet.

::Dry my clean clothes on the clothesline.

::Notice the change in the dog park as the snow and ice melts, and Freddie decides whether he likes swimming in the Mississippi or not (right now, he's leaning towards not.)

::Eat lots of morels and fresh asparagus (and try to ignore the price tag. Because they are seriously that good).

::Draw more (or, draw at all).

::Dedicate more time and energy to my shop and make all (or at least some) of those ideas that have been swirling around in my head for months a reality.

In honor of this last item in my manifesto here, I'm offering a 15% discount in my shop for the next week (until March 27). Just type in
"celebrating spring" in the notes to seller and I'll refund you the difference. I've got a couple of new items in there, including some pocket blank notebooks, so go check it out!

So there you have it. I've seen a few really inspiring manifestos out there recently including Shari's, Brian's, and Hannah's. What's on your list for spring?


  1. It's scary how much I nod along to your manifestos, this one as much as previous ones. I'll do some thinking and post mine soon!

  2. great list - i especially like the picnics idea.

  3. beautiful list julia. i have been pondering my spring manifesto as well... i think it will definitely include picnics too! :) xo

  4. thank you for sharing this. this is inspiring to me, and i too agree with many of your goals.
