24 November 2008


goes the sewing machine. I've been working working away here. I had hoped to have a bit of a holiday shop update this year, but it looks like that opportunity is slowly slipping away as the days go by here. I'm keeping myself busy getting ready for two awesome craft shows coming up in just under two weeks. The first is the No Coast Craft-o-Rama, on Friday December 5 and Saturday December 6, which I am super excited to be part of this year. I didn't get in last year, and this year I got in off the waiting list, so I'm extremely honored to be part of this awesome show. And the second (the very same weekend!) is another one of the very awesome Handmaidens shows, on Sunday December 7, which I am also very excited about. Sadly, I won't be able to be there for the entire day as I have a work (yes, work) event. But my good friend Milena will be running the show for me over there on Sunday. So if you're in the area, please come by, I'd love to meet you (or see you again)!

I'm doing my best to get all stocked for the big weekend, so I won't be updating my shop before then. If you're still in the market for some last minute gifts, I will be doing an update with everything that's leftover (whatever that may be) on Monday December 8. I know it's last minute, but that's the best I can do this year. Hopefully next year, I'll plan better.

I am pretty excited about some of the goodies that I've been working on recently, and I'll be sure to give you some sneak peeks soon. Probably this weekend. I know gift making is probably in high gear out there in crafty blogland, what have you all been making these days?


  1. I'll be at No-Coast too. I've been breaking my back to get ready for it, but I can't wait to see everyone again!

  2. Good luck at the craft shows! I'd love to do one someday!
