Even though Fall is my absolute favorite season, I do love winter. Even winter in Minnesota, where it tends to get rather chilly (and by chilly, I mean really freaking freezing). There's something about the quiet and starkness of winter that is so calming. After the hustle and bustle of fall and the holidays, a little silence is sometimes exactly what I need.
I had a quick little visit today from the Mayor of Winter, and we had a little hand-off to mark the passing of the seasons. Oh, and also, she brought me some treats- including this amazing caramel corn. It's dangerous, I tell you (though, to be fair, she did warn me so I have no one to blame but myself if I get sick from scarfing this whole jar down).
So there you have it, it's officially winter, and I officially don't have to go back to work until the year 2010. And for that, I am very grateful. I have a long list of little projects that I want to get done in the next few weeks, and I intend to cross of at least half of them. Shanna shared her to-do list the other day, and I'll admit, that I too love reading other people's lists. So, on the off-chance that you do too, I'll share a few items from mine here:
:: put that very last finishing touch on that quilt
:: mail off just a few packages
:: pick out and make a dish for Jared's family Christmas Eve celebration (any ideas?)
:: clean out and start setting up the sunroom off of our bedroom
:: finish buying those last few gifts (really, there are just a few left!)
:: make some goodies to leave for our friends who'll be watching Freddie while we're gone
:: change the porchlight
:: sew elbow patches on my favorite cashmere hoodie that I just rediscovered (though I remembered why I had hid it away in the first places- those holes in the elbows!)
:: scan negatives
And maybe somewhere in there, cuddle up with the puppy and take a nap! We'll be off to Florida on Friday (if the snowstorm allows us out of here!) to spend a few days with Jared's family. I'm sure I'll pop in here a few more times this week before we go. Hope you're all have a wonderful start to winter!
{PS: New winter banner up! Can't believe I was so on top of this to actually have it ready today!}
this all sounds fabulous. hope you are having a wonderful break, dear friend. x