I know I've been teasing about a shop update recently, and I still have ideas in the works for that. I was really hoping that I would have that ready before I left for California, so I could update by the end of the month, but I have to admit that I'm painfully behind and haven't made one thing yet. I'm now shooting for the beginning of April for this, just so you know. And I'm thinking that maybe before I have an update, I'll have a big sale and try to clear out some of the items that I've been carting around for months, so stick around for news on that, it'll probably be soon after I get back from the left coast.
Anyways, in an attempt to get the gears turning for some of these new ideas that I have, I've been making a few purchases here and there...My local fabric shop (which I am so lucky to be able to call my local fabric shop) is moving in a couple weeks (luckily they're only moving a few blocks from their current location) and was having a major sale on some fabric (I'm talking $2/yard) to save them the trouble of moving so much stuff. Who am I to turn down a fabric sale? I hurried over there last weekend and picked up some serious yardage. I'm thinking summer dresses. I mean, items for the shop (this may explain my problem).
And speaking of sales, I finally snagged a couple fabrics from Sally's Tag Sale-the one on top with the little letters as well another one that got cut up before this picture could be taken. (Stay tuned for that one- maybe tomorrow)...
I was also able to pick up a few beautiful fabrics, some vintage, some otherwise, from Jennifer's destash sale over in her shop. I'm so excited about these. Especially this gingham, and the tablecloth on the bottom, which I think I'll just use as a tablecloth. I'm not sure I can bear to cut it up.
And finally, a special package from Japan. Recently I was reading about all the lovely mail that Emily had been receiving. And she mentioned some fabric that she had ordered from Leslie. I literally clicked on the link, and proceeded to spend over half an hour pouring over each and every item in her shop. It became clear that I would need to purchase some of her "goodness" and I painstakingly narrowed down what I wanted to order. I'm so excited about all of this fabric (especially the Lotta Jansdotter prints) and these adorable stamps! She even threw in some yummy Japanese candies and these incredible mini-clothespins (which reminded me that it may be time to switch up the wire, for even more inspiration).
So these are my recent inspiring purchases. Meg wrote the other day about a bit of crafter's block that sometimes arises when one is staring at a huge pile of new fabric. I must admit that I, too, am a bit overwhelmed by all of these new materials. But I am also very inspired. I think I need to take some time this weekend, maybe at a cozy coffee shop, to hang out with my sketch book and nail down some of these ideas that have been floating around my head for weeks. Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. What do you all do to move the inspirations from floating ideas to finished products? I'd love to hear. Thanks for joining me this week. Have a lovely weekend friends!
I've been seriously wanting to get to this shop for some time now. Can you tell me if they have knit fabrics for boys? Maybe we could meet up at the shop.
I've been seriously wanting to get to this shop for some time now. Can you tell me if they have knit fabrics for boys? Maybe we could meet up at the shop.